Janet & Knud
Janet & Knud
WeddingJuly 28, 2012
*Put the mouse over the pictures to make them bigger, 24 pictures)

Graduation in Danish 3 Study Course

27th June 2014 graduation ceremony for danish 3 language course in AOF Syd

Janet in front of AOF Danish language school on the graduation day.
Janet in front of AOF Danish language school on the graduation day.

The introduction for the graduation ceremony was made by the head of AOF Syd, Martin Carstensen.
The introduction for the graduation ceremony was made by the head of AOF Syd, Martin Carstensen.

Janet got her diploma and a red rose from her teacher, Marian.
Janet got her diploma and a red rose from her teacher, Marian.

The diplomas was handled by the head leader, Martin Carstensen.
The diplomas was handled by the head leader, Martin Carstensen.

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Teachers in AOF Syd - Aabenraa.
Teachers in AOF Syd - Aabenraa.

Janet and Martin Carstensen, the Head of AOF Syd in Aabenraa.
Janet and Martin Carstensen, the Head of AOF Syd in Aabenraa.

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Students with their teacher Marian in Danish 3 level.
Students with their teacher Marian in Danish 3 level.

Students with their teacher Peter in Danish 2 level.
Students with their teacher Peter in Danish 2 level.

Students with their teacher Tine in Danish 1 level.
Students with their teacher Tine in Danish 1 level.

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Two music talented teachers of AOF Syd.
Two music talented teachers of AOF Syd.

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